Rex The TV Terrier

A life well loved is a life well lived...
Rex, CEO.
10/15/2012 - 12/5/2024
Who We Are
Rex The TV Terrier, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, incorporated in the state of Massachusetts. Our mission is to provide food, medicine, supplies and limited vet care to pet families in need throughout the United States who have no other place to turn. Many areas have no food pantries that offer pet foods or any other resources. We fill the gaps that other large animal charities (such as the Humane Society) cannot assist with. We provide assistance on a short-term basis and provide referrals to long-term resources whenever possible. This is made possible strictly by donations from the general public. Our donors are wonderful, kind hearted people who love and care for animals, and want to see them stay in their homes and not surrendered to a shelter because their family is experiencing a crisis. Please consider being a donor and saving the life of an animal in need.
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