“A life well loved is a life well lived”
Rex The TV Terrier 10/15/12-12/05/2024
“Goodnight, Dream Of A Better World”posts were something that brought comfort and happiness to everyone. He live tweeted his favorite TV shows and interacted with everyone, forming lifelong friendships. For us, his family (AKA “Staff”) Rex was a huge part of everything we did. Walks, snacks, relaxing on the couch or in the yard on a sunny day, floating in his little
costumes, perfected the “side-eye”, and was the personification of contentment, wrapped in his favorite blankets, sleeping with a smile on



Deeply loved by all who knew him, Douglas was a huge personality in a small body. A resident of Halifax, he lived an extraordinary, full life with his loving Dad until his passing.
He was his Dad’s constant companion, accompanying him to work, visits with friends, daily errands, shopping excursions, and just about everywhere else. Douglas loved to socialize, but was discerning about the company he kept, preferring small, intimate gatherings with Dad’s closest friends. He was affectionately known as a master “seat stealer” and could be counted on to find the best seat in the room at any event, always close to his Dad for the giving of impromptu nose and eye kisses.
At home, Douglas could frequently be found perched on top of the living room couch, “keeping watch” over the neighborhood, or listening attentively as Dad played classical music on the grand piano. His favorite toy was his beloved “Miss Piggy,” a small yellow squeaky pig that remained his favorite for his entire life. . While he did not enjoy the snow in the least, he delighted in warmer temperatures, spending countless afternoons sitting on the back deck where he would happily bask in the sunshine.
Douglas was very active on Twitter where he enjoyed sharing photos of his social outings and interacting with his many Twitter friends. More than anything in the world, he loved his Dad who was the light of his life. Douglas passed peacefully in his dad’s arms on October 24, 2021. The enormity of the loss is indescribable. His memory is forever in our hearts and we will carry him with us always.
Chester picked his person in May 2012, when he was about 5 yrs old, when he went home for a “weekend test” to see how he would do. He never left his persons side after that. Chester enjoyed kayaking, riding in his in bike trailer (we named that the ‘Chi RV’), being warm, sleeping and eating. He found a certain passion in table food, although his person tried to keep that habit under control. Chester loved going on trips. Sometimes just day trips, sometimes overnights. Some of his favorite places were parks, beaches, and anyplace else his person cared to carry him. One of his favorite trips was NYC. He and his person were lucky enough to attend “Wheels on Wall Street” twice where we met so many good friends and their amazing dogs. Chester chose his person, and his person is eternally grateful. Chester lives on in the many pictures and memories his person carries with him every single day. I love you Chester, and I always will.
Chester left this world December 26, 2021

January 25, 2007 – December 26, 2021
Rex Avery

My little Rex Avery (the black and tan chihuahua mix) passed suddenly and completely unexpectedly on June 7, 2024. He was my Christmas gift baby who was the boss of us all. He had such a huge attitude squeezed into his little 11 lbs body and wasn’t afraid to put everyone in their place. He was an ESA with worse anxiety than his mommas but he loved his momma with all he had. He insisted that mom needed “emotional support” in order to go potty so he would have to sit on her lap while she went, every time, faithfully. But she was on her own during thunderstorms or fireworks. The void his absence has left is just as enormous as his personality was!
Boudreaux crossed the rainbow bridge on April 4, 2021 in a horrific attack by a family members hunting dog pack, who had escaped their yard and entered ours. For 6 precious years he was at my side. He was the shadow to my Peter pan going everywhere with me, regardless if it was to the store down the street, or to job sites for work, he was along for the ride. A tried and true, hardcore mommas boy through and through from the day we met when he was a pup of 4 weeks old until the day he was laid to rest 6 short years later. My whole world fell apart the day he earned his wings and left this earth and my life and home will never be the same without him in them. (He is the red and white American Pit Bull Terrier)